Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Wife to Take to America

Marry, what a wretch I am, but no less a wretch that needs wifing!

Henry Cooper is the name, merchant man and smuggler. I've done a deal of trades in my tyme: I soldiered under the banner of Queene Anne; trafficked negroes in Barbadoes; even once did me a little pirating in the West Indies. But now Fortuna, the strumpet, hath given me a new opportunity I would in soothe not waiste, though it giveth me nary cause for enjoyment. A fortnight ago I got word from Umbridge that my dear uncle hath passed of the French disease gotten from the sundry slatterns that was his appetite. In his will, I have been bequeethed a plantation in Virginia, though with no wife to help harvest the sot-weed and not a farthing for a strong-backed negroe or bonded man, I have little means to work such a farm. The life won't be easy - I've heard tales of moskitos the size of pidgons and naked salvages who wilt quarter any white man with their feerce axes, but I've my musket and my cutlass and near ten year's in her majesties navy to deal with any blood-mad heathens.

What I'm looking for is a goodly and comely wench who desires passage to the colonies. The lasses in Virginia, as the talk in the public-houses go, are all but headlong into harlotry, and though I've swived many the slattern and maiden alike, I am a man after betrothal and will not tolerate a strumpet in mine home. Women who replie should have goode strong hips and be clever about divers matters. Women who know the tobacco trade woode be specially helpful. My only other recourse is to enlist the aide of my nephew, damn him for a papist and blackguard, who wilt by his nature do everything to deceeve and cheet me, but is crafty in business and a merry companion.

Tyme is short. Replie rite quickly, that I might set sail for Virginia!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

RE: Rare Being Seeks Same-Loving, Conscious, Companion, Futuristic Thinker

Rare Being Seeks Same-Loving, Conscious, Companion, Futuristic Thinker - 55 (Lakewood)
Date: 2010-05-12, 12:13AM MDT

Hi, Let me introduce myself I'm 5' 5 1/2" tall, more on the slender side, red hair, large brown eyes which look green depending on what I'm wearing.
Small framed. I can be very warm and friendly while also needing quiet, meditative time. I'm NOT a television watcher or mainstream thinker, enjoy meeting people of LIKE MIND, Metaphysicians, people interested in the future of our planet and SUSTAINABLE LIVING.

My interest: I'm a woman on a "mission", interested in the future of the planet and it's people, FAMILY, MY SON, Community, Living outside of Denver in the country or mountains, futuristic thinking, metaphysician for 25 years, Abraham-Hicks student, consider myself a "mystic", love to have fun and laugh, can be playful, interested in spiritual pursuits, but don't want to be too serious about life as I believe it to be best to have the balance of play and doing what we came here to do, "our Mission." Balance between the spiritual and the physical. I'M VERY INTERESTED IN DOMES AND BUILDING ONE Right OUTSIDE OF DENVER FOR HEALING AND REGENERATION! I’m pursuing a major life "vision" and would love to meet someone who would like to do this with me! Sustainable living communities which will be a necessity in the near future and definitely BALANCE in all things. "Musical Shaman" is my profession.

Personality: Double Sagittarian (Yikes, No wonder I aim for the stars), Passionate, Compassionate, Sensitive, Warm, Loving, Friendly, can be shy at times, Always wanting to learn more, Social while also needing meditative time to myself- there's the balance thing again.

What I'm interested in a partner: Someone who would build a dome outside of Denver in the mountains or foothills with me who is also interested in domes, the future of our planet, 2012 & beyond !!! Characteristics that are important to me: Advanced Thinker, Intelligence, Futurist, Genuine, Sensitive, Loyal, Best friend, Companion, Lover, who loves RVs and traveling to "sacred sites." TALL, good health, healthy food & fairly fit, good listener, integrity, BALANCED, STABLE, GROUNDED, compassionate, passionate, emotionally available and very Loving like me.
Well, if we don't ask for what we want how can we get it?!

If this resonates with you I'd love to hear from you.

Location: Lakewood
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1736638994

RE: Rare Being Seeks Same-Loving, Conscious, Companion, Futuristic Thinker

Colin Heintze to pers-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
show details 1:27 am

I share your ideas on sustainable living. There was a time, in the folly of my youth, that I thought apealing to people's better senses through activism was the path to preserving this world. It was my mission, same as yours. That was before Ecuador. Before IT happened.

I was just a young, happy-go-lucky post grad excited about his first field work. Mycology, that was my game, and my playground the Wanatapak jungle and the numerous species of undiscovered fungi rumored to be living there. Let me tell you, IT changed me. I found IT, which for the sake of clarity I will refer to from here on as Aiyapuaala, growing in a single clearing deep within the Wanatapak. It was out of this world man, like nothing I'd ever seen before. Spore prints that would blow your mind. Vacuoles like something out of science fiction. I made a little camp in the clearing and set myself to studying this rare and wonderful fruit of creation.

Three days later, the visions started.

It was the spores, you see. The spores go airborne. They get inhaled. The get into the blood stream and from there wham, bam, game over, man, all the sudden you see the world like it truly is and you know your life before meant nothing, that you were asleep, but now you're awake and your eyes are open and you can never be the same again. I spent weeks, months - who knows how long - walking the pathways of my mind. When at last the old me had been annihilated and reshaped into a being of pure empathy. Aiyapuaala appeared to me. Aiyapuaala, the great mushroom God, towering above the canopy, filling me with it's love, telling me of it's burdens! The ranchers. The lumber companies. Aiyapuaala and all her children being ground under the tread of bulldozers of burned in the fires of slash-and-burn farming. That's when I knew sustainable living was a lie. There's no way to sustain this world, not with nearly seven billion people (and counting) defiling it. Aiyapuaala told me the solution and gave me a new mission, a mission I hope you share.

I, too, want to build a great dome outside of Denver, but not a dome of stone and glass and other materials plundered from the Earth but a great cap, with a great stalk, with the tendrils running underground and getting the spores into everything from the crops we grow to the water we drink. Once others have had their eyes opened and know the love and wisdom of Aiyapuaala, they will erect their own domes outside of other cities. Soon, the world will belong to Aiyapuaala as it once did. The unnecessary will be destroyed, their slowly decomposing bodies becoming the food for Aiyapualaa's mighty digestive processes. The rest will be kept at a sustained population in order to create a constant and renewable supply of putrefying organic matter for Aiyapuaala's sustenance. And, finally, humankind shall be as one, sharing every thought and sensation through the underground web of filaments connecting us to that center of all consciousness, Aiyapuaala, each of us a single synapse in the great brain of the mushroom god. You sound like you are already half-awakened. That is good for you, as you will likely become an Overseer - that is what they will call the first converts of Aiyapuaala's way.

Anyways, it sounds like we have a lot in common. We are both shamans of sorts. We both see domes in the immediate future. Come to me, and let me open your eyes to the truth of Aiyapuaala - after all, you have no choice. Soon, all will know his glory.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

RE: Hi, 25 Seoul girl, seeking whitemales

Hi, 25 Seoul girl, seeking whitemales - 25 (Seoul)

Date: 2010-05-02, 5:00PM KST

Reply to:

I am interested in meeting white males for language exchange
I am 5f 7 inches tall cute asian girl if you ask mee,
and i love watching movies and love singing and reading books
I would like to get married to a white guy and want to learn my favorite at the Us universities,

If i get married to a citizen, then i heard that they cut down on the tuition,
I hope i get married and study at a low expense in the US.
but canadians ok too, americans are ok,, both are ok

Location: Seoul
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1720401671

Colin Heintze to pers-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

You are in luck, young lady, for it seems we both have things the other needs. US Citizenship? College tuition? All of it and more will be taken care of, and marriage won't even be necessary. In fact, we prefer you stay unmarried in order to better preserve your, and our, anonymity.

Let me explain, as your excitement over this offer is undoubtedly matched by your confusion.

My name is Dr. Zeta. Just Dr. Zeta, for now - more will be revealed to you as the program progresses. I am currently the head researcher at Project Griffin, a joint Anglo-American scientific think-tank dedicated to resolving some of the most thorny issues in today's international political climate. Our diverse contributors include such influential organizations as the American State Department, The Pentagon, and Downing Street, a fact I reveal only to make you aware of the kind of compensation you can expect to receive for your participation. Not only will you be granted citizenship and college tuition at the conclusion of the process, but will likely be able to retire using any of the numerous anonymous investment funds set up in your name.

So, why you? As I said before, you are a perfect candidate. You are not currently a U.S. citizen, and the kind of research we do has been, since the end of the Vietnam War, rendered unconstitutional by House Resolution 5155-7: concerning the use of US citizens for advanced bioweapon testing. You are healthy, young, ambitious, and, should luck be on our side, possess the correct genetic determinants and blood haplotypes to be considered ideal for this program. Moreover, your disappearance would be scarcely noticed and likely not investigated - though, should that happen, our donors would be more than capable of blocking any inquiries. You'd be amazed, young lady, just how high up this goes.

If you are interested, make haste to reply. Good subjects are hard to come by, and many of my colleagues are suggesting we just begin rounding up transients. Transients who, unfortunately, are usually found in a weakened state and seldom able to survive the process long enough to collect useful data.