I'm 5ft7 with a thick/curvy/bbw build. I like football and country music (actually I listen to everything too so don't be scared)
All I ask is that you are white or Hispanic, 5ft8 or taller and between 25-35yrs old. And military of course
Write me and send me a pic if your interested. Not looking for just sex-so please no cock pix.
* Location: Itaewon
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Colin Heintze
to pers-49z7c-154.
show details 7:24 AM (17 hours ago)
Would you settle for ex-military? I haven’t been in the Army for quite some time.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hold any grudges. Sure, the army made me what I am, but I let it take me there because, like so many of my fallen brothers, I believed I was a part of something bigger. Freedom. Liberty. Peace. That’s what I fought for.
Of course, pretty soon I wasn’t fighting for anything other than the sheer joy of it. Killing a man changes a person. Killing a whole lot of men – well, that changes you a whole lot too, enough that when you look in the mirror one day you can’t recognize the person beneath the scars and the stress lines anymore. Time came that I couldn’t remember the life I had before. Far as I knew, killin’ was the only thing I was ever, or ever would be, good at.
But, all of that’s over now. I’ve become a man of peace – haunted, yes, but peaceful nonetheless. I’ve spent these last fifteen years trying to make peace with the demons of my past and finally, through all that effort, I’ve found a life I can be content with. I’ve bought myself a riverboat and use it to ferry farmers and peddlers across the Mekong River. It’s not glamorous, and there ain’t much money in it, but at least there’s no killin’. These days, I can even sleep some nights without the nightmares jerking me awake in a cold sweat.
But, I gotta say, General Arnold’s offer has me chomping at the bit. There’s still that part of me that misses the action, the glory. I remember last week when he came to my boat shop. He had his beret in his hand and a look of concern on his face. I knew he wasn’t fakin’ – I served under the man for six years, and knew he was a straight shooter.
“Jesus, Colin.” He said, looking at my shop. “So this is what you’ve been up to all these years.”
“Go away. I don’t associate with Army no more. Not even you, General.”
And, with that, I turned away to work on a rusted motor. Still, the general kept talkin’ at my back.
“The White Demon,” he mused. “that’s what they used to call you. If they could see you now…”
“I’m a man of peace now, dammit! Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
“It’s Renegade, Colin. He was doin’ some reconnaissance in Myanmar, very covert stuff. We’ve lost radio contact with him. Intelligence reports say he’s been captured.”
A flood of painful memories come to my mind. The bamboo cages. The canings. Standing half-submerged in a pool of leeches for days – and the whole time only my buddy Renegade there to keep me sane, to remind me I was still human. I don’t know how he managed to smile and joke throughout those months of hell, but if it wasn’t for him I might’ve gone over the edge completely, become something less than human.
“I…I don’t care. I ain’t in the army no more.”
“He was your best friend, Colin, and you abandoned him. You promised Renegade you’d always be there to help him out, and now he needs it! Hell, we can’t do it – if anyone ever had proof we were running missions inside Myanmar illegally… well, I don’t need to tell you what might happen. We need you, Colin. You’re the only man for the job.”
“I told you, I’m different now.”
The general flicked a business card on my desk and walked out my shop.
“You can take the tiger out of the jungle…”
So I’m not a soldier anymore, but doesn’t mean I can’t do a solid for a friend. I swore I’d never pick up a gun again, but if Renegade needs me… I made a promise, an’ I can break the promise to him and lose my integrity, or I can break the promise to myself an’ maybe lose my mind again. That’s how I put the question to myself as I look over General Arnold’s card.
I go to Myanmar next week. Looks like there’s about to be another killin’ time. Let’s hook up before that?
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