Hi, you are very creative. I would love to practice sex with you for having a few PANDAs. Would we have to do it the trees as that's where I see most pandas? I think I may to house train you will come with behind a Your big Panda bear, Pat in Brightonbush to shit. Now eating I'm very good at. Send me some pics so I see if I can help you
XXXXXXXXXXXX to pers-967239883
I am 6’ tall, weigh 170 lbs., have brown hair, blue eyes and love to go multiple rounds. I have about 9” to work with and want to find someone who can handle it all. I love foreplay and enjoy dining at the “Y”. Let me know if you are up for the challenge.
XXXXXXXXXX to pers-967239883
I am a single, white, mature male (45), college educated, working professional, live alone (can host).
Will treat you like a lady in and out of the bedroom. Skilled in the tantric arts, very oral, extremely long lasting, clean, disease free, and safe (vasectomy). I am also nicely endowed, love to use fingers to rub a g-spot for that explosive orgasm.
I love to focus on making you feel incredible, make you cum as many times as you can handle, maybe more.
I am gentle, caring, passionate, playful with a great sense of humor.
Panda Lover
Colin Heintze to pete, XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXX
show details 3:45 PM Reply
Wow, who would have thought I'd get so many responses! Let me tell you a little something about myself:
I'm roughly 6' when standing, weigh around 400 lbs and am covered in a velvety piebald pattern of black and white fur. I enjoy dining on bamboo, sleeping, and appearing as a dancing cartoon character on the backpacks of twelve-year-old Japanese girls. I'm so glad you guys are willing to mate, since I can't get it from males of my own species. To the one of you (you know who you are) who sent me a picture of your erect phallus... thank you. I can't tell you how long it's been since I've seen one of those, certainly not from so-called "male" pandas who don't seem to give two shits about bringing our species back from the brink of total extinction. Whoever I choose, I'm sure the hideous unnatural abomination you sire from me will bear (get it, "bear'!) enough of my genetic material to make this whole experience worth it... though I'm still going to have to be very, very drunk. Here are some pics of me!

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