Friday, November 7, 2008

Any Girls Out There Who Also Think Fire is Sexy? - 25 (Denver)
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Date: 2008-11-03, 12:58PM MST

Hi there. I was wondering if there were any girls out there turned on by fire. While personality and sense of humor are important, I feel this is the biggest thing we need to have in common if we can date successfully. Anyways, I'm really into ignivoux (light burning of nipples/genitals with lit candles), making love near fires (controlled or otherwise), and erotic smoke-inhalation asphyxiation. So yeah, there has to be a lot of trust here. When I see a wall of flame dancing with wild, destructive abandon I become so hot I can barely keep from exploding. When I see a wooded hillside or office building all I can think about is how it would look engulfed in flame, and the raw, sexual power behind such a devastating force. If you've ever felt the same way, drop me a line! Though you may be playing with fire, I promise you won't get burned!

* Location: Denver
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other
commercial interests

PostingID: 904345607

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