Friday, November 7, 2008

Marine with PTSD - 24 (Denver, Iraq)

Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-10-09, 10:44AM MDT

I'm a Marine with 19 confirmed kills (13 of them for sure combatants) and, as my title suggests, I am suffering from PTSD. My therapist suggested, and I agree, that a girlfriend might help me with some of my problems.
I am currently medicated and learning to walk again after an amputation. I don't work (I'm on disability) or drive (can't on the medication) but those are things I hope to change soon.
Living with PTSD is hard. I wake up screaming, not knowing why. Little things frighten me. When it rains, you might find it pleasant. For me, I remember being on patrol in Baghdad when I felt a nice cool rain - not realizing for several seconds that I was actually being showered with blood and viscera from a truck bomb that exploded two miles away. You might like fireworks. When I hear them, I'm reminded of the time a suicide bomber walked into a mosque and detonated the device under his jacket. I can't forget the sobs of that rag-head mother searching through the bodies of mangled children trying to figure out which one was her son no matter how much I punch myself in the back of the head. I drink. I get in fights and always feel bad about it afterwards, but I can't apologize because the other guy is usually in the hospital. Sometimes I zone out for hours, and when I come to there are tears on my face. I miss the Corps. I spent 12hours a day there in a sniper's nest on a pylon of the Euphrates River bridge, terminating whatever dumb camel-jockey crossed the line after curfew. I saved all the slugs I got a kill-shot with, and have made a necklace from them if you don't believe me.
Any girls out there up for a challenge?

Location: Denver, Iraq
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 872513491

Christ. I got about fifteen responses to this, which common decency will not allow me to share. Let's just say being a racist psychopath capable of hair-trigger violence is a big turn on to a lot of women though, for some reason, an encyclopedic knowledge of the Similrillion is not. Go figure.

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