Friday, November 7, 2008

Human Male Seeking Human Female (Regional State Entity, Earth)
Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-10-30, 8:38AM MDT

Hello, females. I am a human male seeking a female interested in human activities. I conform to all standards of success and attractiveness as dictated by your cultural mores. Any female who responds needs a desire to have children who can breathe comfortably in Earth's atmosphere, somewhere around five to six million. I am a dedicated father and would raise our swarm to be great conquerers. For your cooperation, you would be spared enslavement and given a minor position in the colonial occupation council. It would be wise to consider this offer, because whether or not you accept it your, I mean our, race is doomed.

Your future overlord,
Hugh Mann

* Location: Regional State Entity, Earth
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other
commercial interests

PostingID: 899186798

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